Trekking in Nepal best time of year

When is it best to go Trekking in Nepal?
As far as possible, you can go trekking any time of the year. There aren’t any restrictions technically. Nonetheless, you will have different experiences according to landscapes, environment and the seasons you want to travel in. You might also have to prepare differently according to the seasons you want to travel to Nepal.
If you ask when is it most suitable to travel Nepal? To have optimum trekking experience, there are two peak seasons. Late February – March – April (Spring) is the first suitable timing to visit Nepal for trekking. If you miss this season you will still have another season to cherish the beauty you will find during the trek which is Late September – October – November (Autumn). You still can visit Nepal during the Winter Season which is November- December-January, Summer Season which is May-June and Monsoon during June-July-August.
How would it feel to trek in Nepal during the Spring?
Spring, being the first season of the year is also the first peak season to visit Nepal for trekking. Nepal celebrates spring during the months of March and April. However, one can still visit Nepal for trekking after the mid of February as the snow starts to subside in the Himalayan region. Visibility of the mountains are crystal clear during this season, however this is determined by the amount of dust in the atmosphere in lower altitudes. Nonetheless, you will be greeted by the fresh blooms of Rhododendrons on the trail. If you are trekking above 3800 meters you are most likely to see the clouds below you.
How would it feel to trek in Nepal during the Autumn?
Autumn, or the fall season during the months of mid-September, October and November is considered to be the best second peak season of the year to visit Nepal. This season is right after monsoon and most of the dust in the air has settled during this season. There is a mild weather and the valleys are still green during this season. Although these days, monsoon extends until the mid-September, you are still good to trek in Nepal until mid-December while the second half of December is already winter cold. The down side to trek during this season is that, popular trekking routes become crowded because of tourists and trekkers. However, less popular trekking routes will not have as much trekkers to overcrowd the trail. You might be disturbed by rains if you plan to trek in early September. Also, if you plan to finish your trek after the mid of December you might face snow blocking. Weather in higher altitudes are unpredictable at times.
It is always better to be safe than sorry.
Source: thelongestwayhome
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