Your hot Air Balloon Ride in Nepal

The ultimate hot air balloon is all about experiencing with Adventure from above the top. Experience the incredible landscape of Nepal hilly region from a different perspective with the Hot Air ballooning. Reach new heights as you soar through the sky in a hot air balloon, with the different mountains, hills and rivers beneath you. Rise above the sights and sounds of Nepal and fly away in a beautiful hot air balloon is always a best idea to spend your time in the vacation
A Nepal hot air balloon ride is probably the most famous place on earth soar above the landscape. Hot air ballooning is so much a wonderful outdoors activity to participate in, as it is an incredible experience to have. What better way to experience the extravagant hues of an Nepal sunrise than leisurely floating just above the treetops in the crisp air of a new day, gazing at our country’s rich landscape below and few experiences that can quite be mouth-watering. It awakens; birds going about their routines; the powerful sound of burners bringing the astounding size of the free flight balloon to life…. There’s no question that this kind of experience is something truly special. Typically hot air ballooning takes place in the wee hours of the morning just before sunrise (weather permitting). Whilst sipping on steaming Tea known as Nepali Chai, the exhilaration of a new and somewhat unexpected experience lingers. The darkness of the early morning adds to the mystery of this experience, giving it it’s the unknown factor. Much of what’s to come is a pleasant surprise.
Take off is gentle and exhilarating all at once. The thrill of lifting off of the ground ever so gently is as comfortable as it is pleasing at every part of this beautiful Country. This is how the true adventure of the experience begins. At a height of more than as we expect, the experience depends greatly on where the wind takes you. This height is perfect for gazing at our gorgeous and colourful landscape textures, rivers, mountains and animal life below, just enough so as not to be intrusive, but still be very much a part of its existence. Panoramic views like this are priceless which you don’t see in every country. Well Nepal is perfect place for it with different panoramic views. Watching the sun come up, too, across the horizon as you tranquilly lift into the air is as unique an experience as each and every new day.
Since hot air ballooning is primarily about experiencing our beautifully textured landscape, different rivers, many mountains and often wildlife / animal viewing too. Hot air ballooning operators know how to package this heavenly experience in just the right way to give it that extra something special. Packages can be costly, especially when you consider the amount of time spent on the experience, but believe it’s well worth every penny. Hot Air Balloon are generally offered daily, some all year round, but all dependant on suitable weather conditions how country like Nepal cope. At the end Balloon Adventures provides unforgettable hot air balloon experiences when quality and experience matter.
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We are group of 5 people interested in early morning sun rise hot air balloon event. We have booked Hotel Dandelion for 22nd April. Please send us a quote with group discount for 60 mins Hot Air Balloon event morning slot with hotel pickup and drop.
- Sasi Moorthy